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30 Days of Kindness: Day 27

Thank you to Kimberley Cowie for sharing information with us about a local (and very well known soap vendor) who was giving away pump hand soap. Kim picked up a case for us for the storage locker that Columbus Division of Police Officer Amanda Hoover has on the South Side (and even delivered it!). 💙

We told our friend Kathy Jackson of I Support the Girls - Columbus, who is pictured below with new friends Shawn and David, and who writes, "These gentlemen helped load my car with over 100 boxes of hand soap (that’s over 3200 bottles!) This soap was an added bonus to my hygiene donation to 5 different agencies today. A few more donations this week with bonus boxes and we will have helped keep the community clean while providing necessary items to those needing a hand up!!"

We don't always think of sharing information as an act of kindness, but it really is. Whether it's passing on an email about a soap giveaway or teaching someone a new skill, do what you can to share what you know.


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