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Dublin Police Department

We are proud and honored to announce our partnership with the Dublin Police Department! They received their books for Books & Badges today, so if you are a Dublin elementary school teacher and would like to have an officer come read to your class, please feel free to email us and we'll pass that information on to them. The officers are very excited to get started!

In addition to Books & Badges, we'll support Dublin officers when they identify people in need during the course of their duties, just as we do with our other partner agencies. An example of that could be a domestic violence victim who's recently moved to the area but doesn't have money for furniture or who needs some help with food--officers could call us and we'll work with them to get those needs taken care of.

However, we're also going to do something really fun with Dublin that we haven't yet done in other areas. Dublin is going to partner with us to work with Columbus Division of Police to help people in the inner city. Dublin Lieutenant Nick Tabernik and Corporal Bill Morris said that they have very generous residents in Dublin who would love to work with Starfish, DPD, and CPD to make a difference. Isn't that wonderful? We're so excited about this!

We'll start next month by gathering bikes for another Bikes Assignment, similar to what we did with Wedgewood in September, when we gave away more than 75 bikes (some of them donated from Dublin!). In May, we'll partner with Columbus Recreation and Parks Department and have giveaways at three sites (maybe four if we get enough bikes). More information to come on that.

Starfish was founded in the northwestern part of Columbus, and we have a lot of Dublin residents involved with us already, making this an exciting day for us. We look forward to adding even more new members and doing many great things together!


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