We have a guest post today from Columbus Division of Police Officer David Jones. We're sure our buddy K-9 Ayko was nearby, helping to write it. Enjoy!
On Monday, October 26, 2020 around 2pm, I responded to an incident involving a family that had their vehicle backed into in the North Linden area. The incident was a weird one and I won't go into details about it, but it left the mother of three (3) young children upset because the money they had saved up for Halloween would now need to be spent on the vehicle.
I reached out to Starfish Assignment on Monday night about trying to assist this family with Halloween costumes and goodies for the kids. I was immediately helped by Nicole Banks and Jack Carlin with this endeavor.
Jack and Nicole, through Starfish, put together three (3) large bags of candy/goodies for the kids and with the help of a donation, were able to get the family a $200 gift card to Walmart so the kids could enjoy picking out their own Halloween costumes.
Mark - 12 years old
Matthew - 9 years old
Madalynn - 2 1/2 years old
Mom - Erica
Dad - Mark
Here is the text message Erica sent to me along with the picture: "They are all ready for Trick or Treat. We really can't thank you enough especially after finding out we don't have collision insurance and the Prosecutor's Office said there was nothing we could do. Having one little good thing come from all of this still gives me hope. You have made my kids so happy and for that, I am forever grateful. They don't have many other people beside me and their dad to make them happy so for someone else to try and make my babies happy means the world to me."
Thank you, Nicole and Jack, for assisting me with this. I also sent them the flyer for the Trunk or Treat event on Saturday from 1p - 3p at 1955 Frank Rd. They stated they would be there. God Bless you.
Officer J. David Jones #1735 and Ayko
We used $100 from our general fund for the gift card and $100 donated by a friend specifically for this Assignment. We also purchased $36.60 of candy and miscellaneous items to make sure the kids had a great Halloween no matter what. (It was Jack's idea to present the gift card in the cute Halloween-themed bowl with candy corn, and we thought that was a great one!)
We've attached the flyer for the Trunk or Treat event that Ofc Jones mentioned. He and Ayko will be there, so stop by and say hello. 🎃👻