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Books & Badges: Barnett & Adams

It was another great day of Books & Badges Holiday Parties at Columbus Recreation and Parks Department centers sponsored by AEP Ohio. Today we went to Barnett and Adams Community Centers and had so much fun at both places! The kids (and adults) had great questions and were very interested in learning and connecting with the officers, who read the book Amazing Tigers at both sites. That book is a lot of fun because it explains that each tiger has a unique pattern to its stripes, just as each person's fingerprints are unique.

Every Books & Badges event is a little bit different, and at Barnett with Lieutenant Chris Lieb and Officers Jason Bauchmoyer and Amanda Kasza, the kids wanted to learn all about what was on the officers' duty belts, including checking out their badges, handcuffs, and batons.

At Adams, with Lt Lieb and Officers Glenn Bray, Matthew McDaniel, Nick Sands, and Ace Trask, the kids checked out their cruisers, played field hockey, and asked what their favorite part of the job was. They said things like doing Books & Badges events where they get to connect with the community, helping people in really bad circumstances, and hearing "thank you" from people that they've helped get off drugs and turn their lives around.

They were really wonderful events and we are grateful to CPD, the Columbus Recs & Parks team (and kids!), and AEP Ohio, for making them possible. Thank you!


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