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Happy Holidays With the Community Centers

We were honored to be one of the charities partnering with Glenwood, Linden, and Far East Community Centers as they held their holiday events this week. Columbus police officers were on hand at all three sites as coats were distributed to children who needed them thanks to our premier sponsor AEP Ohio, who also donated gift bags and candy canes.

We love Columbus Recreation and Parks Department and want to emphasize what a great job they do connecting with their communities. At this event, the center staff and volunteers brought together charities, interested citizens, and government organizations who donated toys, food, hygiene items, sporting equipment, and other items, all designed to help the people in their neighborhoods have a happy Christmas. However, they hold events similar to these throughout the year in addition to managing many other activities. They're always there for their communities, and we are very fortunate to work with them.

Thank you to AEP Ohio, Macy's Polaris, and CPD for giving us the opportunity to partner with these wonderful centers. Special thanks to center managers TD Dishmon, Mario Dovell, and Roger Harper for everything you do at Glenwood, Linden, and Far East. We look forward to many more wonderful events with you in 2022.


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