Did you know that Marion Police Department is also part of our door security bar program? We recently resupplied them, and while it's unfortunate that victims of crime need them, we're honored to partner with Lowe's Home Improvement and Starfish donors to provide this vital service.
You may remember that Columbus Division of Police Officer Dan Snyder approached us about handing out door security bars on crime scenes to victims who need to prevent people from coming into their homes. The idea came to him in early 2021 after he tried to help a domestic violence victim barricade her door with items around her apartment.
Within a short time, all 20 Columbus substations had them on hand to give out on an emergency basis and so did the detective units that need them. Several of our partner agencies, including Gahanna Division of Police, also participate. It's made a real difference for victims, and we're grateful to both Lowe's and our sponsors for making it happen.
We appreciate officers like Dan Snyder who come to us with ways to help their communities and officers who carry out those ideas, like Marion Lieutenants Harris and Marsh, pictured here with CPD Lieutenant Lieb. Thank all of you for everything you do!