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30 Days of Kindness: Day 12

Yesterday, our president, Nicole Banks, and volunteer, Jim Stewart, stumbled onto one of the Curbside Concerts sponsored by the Greater Columbus Arts Council, Smart Columbus, and Ricart Automotive. This is a beautiful program that takes music to seniors. From their website, "We get it. Being quarantined is hard...But that doesn't mean we have to miss out on all the joys in life. A lot of us are joining zoom concerts and Facebook Live events to be social on the internet. But our older and vulnerable populations – those who may not be as connected digitally – are both most at risk for this virus and most isolated, too."

So they take the concerts to them. For free. ❤️ Don't you love Columbus?

You can go to their Facebook page or website to request a concert, and of course, the senior's neighbors will be able to enjoy it as well (just as we did).


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