I saw Jim today, and he looks absolutely fantastic. Very happy and relaxed. He's looking forward to his party on Sunday, so I hope you'll all turn out for that.
No major updates to report. Samantha from Senator Brown's office called to let us know she'd received his file from the VA and to let us know when we should expect to hear about his claim (mid to late-August).
I heard from the Marine Corps League (MCL). They've been trying to get ahold of Jim, but he doesn't answer the phone if he doesn't know who it is, and something was wrong with his voicemail. He got that fixed this evening, but in the meantime, I'd recommended to the MCL that they text Jim, which finally got them connected. They invited Jim to join them at their weekly breakfast this weekend, and I really hope he goes! It would be a great group for him to be part of.