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Assignment Update: Help a Victim of Domestic Violence

ASSIGNMENT UPDATE: We were asked to help support a victim of domestic violence. (Original post here.)

REFERRING OFFICER: Columbus Division of Police Officer Anthony Roberts and his partner, Netcare Clinician Phil McGeorge.

Ofc Roberts and Mr. McGeorge had initially asked us to get a bed for their client, Dominique. After we spoke with them a bit more, we learned that she needed other pieces of furniture and household items, which neighbors of our president, Nicole Banks, came together to donate to her. Some of these items included a lovely rocking chair, a sleigh bed, mattress, box spring, a dresser, towels, laundry detergent, personal hygiene items, and a gift card. We also purchased a new comforter and pillows for her lovely "new" bed.

Dominique was very happy with her new items. Each article of furniture was met with new smiles from her, and she was so proud to put everything in place. Although we would love to show you her happy face, we're sure you understand that we want to protect her privacy in this situation.

With the generous donations you gave, Ofc Roberts and Mr. McGeorge are getting her a mobile phone and a one year contract. (She had no phone at all, and wouldn't be able to get one without your help.) This is huge because now Mr. McGeorge can get her set up for services that will offer long term solutions to her situation.

With the remaining money, the trio will shop for a few items that Dominique needs, and the rest will go towards gift cards so she'll be able to buy things for herself as needed.

Thank you all for your help. We really appreciate you!

Photos: Sgt Matt Davis is pictured with Ofc Roberts, Mr. McGeorge, and many of Nicole's neighbors who helped make this Assignment a success.


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